How do you…

How do you grief?

I’ve learnt that I grief slowly and longer.

When sad news first hits, my first reaction is to stay strong and keep going. I suppress my emotions so quickly that I surprise even myself. Apart from a burst of tears and a huge wave of sadness at the moment of passing, all my emotions seem to stay locked behind a wall. I don’t know why.

As days tick by, my false stoic front crumbles. I see photos, places and objects and they remind me of what once was. Emotions well up and I feel the loss so raw and keenly. One after the other they come.

I miss you Bobby, Druss and Dell. I hope you’re good friends in doggy heaven.

Photography is one of the way I cope.

These are images shot last week. I took an earlier train into town and focused my mind on something positive. While summer means longer and warmer days, the arrival of autumn means I get to shoot moody early morning scenes like this.


Short Form Video


Goodbye Dell