BnW #3

Acros R is my preferred Black and White film simulation from Fujifilm. But yet, it is not the simulation used in my favourite Black and White recipe, Ilford 80ish. I played around with the settings on my computer and came up with the following. Purely based on how it looks. It is cleaner than the Ilford recipe.

Why #3 you might ask? Well, the first two were ok but not quite right. I saved them on my user profile in X Raw Studio and so I creatively named this #3.

Film Simulation: Acros + R

Grain Effect: Weak/Small

Colour Chrome Effect: Strong

Colour Chrome FX Blue: Off

White Balance: Auto, R:+4 B:+3

Highlight: +2 Shadow: +3

Clarity: +1

Sharpness: +2 Noise Reduction: 0